Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation is a volunteer and donor-driven organization. We are extremely fortunate to have passionate, influential board members whose mission is to help Northside Hospital Gwinnett and Duluth thrive. They are leading the way
to ensure that we can continue to offer exceptional healthcare.
Executive Committee
Denise Pecht, MD, Chair
Paige Havens
Cole Hudgens
Debbie Mitcham*
Jeff Wages
Julius Ajayi, MD
Mary Jo Albert, MD
Ethel Andersen
Tom Anderson
Kerry Armstrong
Marvin Barge
Sharon Bartels
Carlton Buchanan, MD
Renee Byrd-Lewis
Greg Cantrell
Bruce E. Carter, DMD
Murtaza Cassoobhoy, MD
Cynthia Chandler
Lisa Cink
Frank Circelli
Cliff Clark
Kristi Ellis Cohron
Julia Webb Davis
Dan Dunwody, DDS
Tom Ferrin
Will Grant
David Greene
Stan Hall
Greg Hayes
Janna Hayes
Bill Head
Carolyn Hill
Stephen K. Hill
Stephanie Hunt
Kimberly Hutcherson, MD
LC Johnson
Terri Jondahl
Mohan Krishnamachary, MD
Lynne Kytle-Henderson
Leslie Leigh, MD
Gary Levengood, MD
Bin Liu
Nick Masino
Suzanne Masino
Miles H. Mason, MD
Wayne Mason
David McCleskey
Chuck Moomey, MD
Bartow Morgan
Erin O'Donnell
Stacy Patterson
Scott Phelan
Beth Phelps
Donny Phillips
Randy Redner
Nora Rozin
Spencer Rozin, MD
Bill Russell, PhD
Raymer Sale
Kristen Sapp
Tammy Shumate
Billy Smith
Chuck Smith
David Snell
David Still
Clyde Strickland
Mike Tennant
Mike Townsend
Richard Tucker
Marianne Weyen
Kathryn Parsons Willis**
Terra Winter
*Special Purpose Member
**Emeritus Member